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I want you                I want you                I want you

I like you                I like you                I like you
                                            I love you

3 Loves

We can learn something from flies.

Sustaining themselves with the shit

and the garbage we create. I’m sure

they thinks us laughable, as they wring their

tiny front appendages. We just

need to eat our own shit.

Pill to Swallow

The perplexing lines that jut from

the one point in the middle of the

page, make little to know sense

to me and when

I ask, I am cut

like a pig in the


We, the spheres

the triangles and

little ovular bits.

Us fibers string

the tiny inflated

balloons that

wash the body

out, do wash

the body out

We, matter,

grey matter

teeter on the

edge of

a thin,



I never no me. That is what I know.

These bits and pieces of the world

cannot tell me what I can tell myself.

The Dessicated Skull and the Eye


This blurry line
sent from the infinite,
cast from the Heavens,
melded with the present.

It sat me down, heavy breath

stale breath, stolen breaths

like a child in a classroom.
Anomalies whose very essence
is that, which is so essence-less.

My teacher, the current

coddles you into nothingness

or somethingness, like a feather

down a river- down a white
blurry line from above


I watched a wren
as it pecked at a bag
of meat. The flies were
intrusive and snatching.
Its peepholes, cast staring.

There’s a fear that is beyond

any explicit paranoia-
like an untoward smirk
or wink from a stranger.
The wren’s a songbird.

Having been thrown into
craze by the curdling
blood that stood where it
stood, will feverishly scream.

Its song will never be heard

over the blackness that veils it.
It will just peck at that festering bag of meat
while I watch with a blur.


I feel the fingernails
on my back, itching at
that spot; the spot I
can’t reach while my hands
are tied behind my back.

Since, I’ve been spoon-fed

achievements like anchovies

to a seal, clapping like

an idiot just for a fish

while we clap only for a clap;

stuck inside ourselves,

next to one another, left

awed by the roar. I’m there;

stuck in the rafters, clapping.   

Counting claps as the world
drifts past my eyes we dive Into
the haziness of blue underneath
us all drowning and draining; bubbling,

blurring into a shallow grave.



Agoraphobic, I keep myself inside
while I plod through numbers I dream

of television. The unforeseen fourth

floor dangles me about; a ragdoll of

circumstance- pomp and circumstance.
The first floor mindset keeps heads
from rolling like yo-yo’s
whose fates are determined
by the child who forgets to latch it
on to his fourth finger. We’re as independent
as the one’s and zeroes that our computers

speak. My TV dreams become nightmares.

Puffs of smoke billow from the tube;

people telling us we’re not happy.

Happy? What of slavery? Civil War?

I’m content here watching numbers
while I get fat and cranky and cry
myself to sleep at night. Until
the body smudges with the seat and this lack

of distinction blurs all beliefs to something

worse than apathy.


The Blurry Line

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